Thursday, July 9, 2009

Caution: Vacation ahead!

My husband and I are heading to the West Coast for a family wedding and some R&R days at the beach. I am determined to also take a vacation from all infertility stressers...although we did have to pack my syringes and HCG because Peak day has not arrived yet. Go figure. At least I intend to take a break from the thoughts & burdens that infertility brings. yea! See you next week.


prayerfuljourney said...

Have a good trip! God Bless.

Sew said...

You should have seen our trip to walmart the night before we had to fly with the HCG. I walked all around that store so I could find the "cutest" carrying bag that was insulated. I ended up getting a make up back that has a spot for the syringes, gauze, alcohol etc and I added frozen ice packs. Ohhhhh it's so cute! :)

Dh was about to loose his mind! ;)

the misfit said...

Have an awesome time! Which west coast - rain, trees, or beaches?

Maureen said...

Enjoy the ocean breeze and the calmness it brings. We loved spending time with you and Mark at the wedding. Let's do it again!!

Percolating Petals said...

Oh Sew, you probably have the most stylin HCG bag out there. Maybe it's something new to add to your line of aprons!! :)

We are in San Diego, so there are plenty of beaches.