Saturday, January 23, 2010

SHE's 1st Birthday & a New Logo

Today SHE (Sarah, Hannah, and Elizabeth) Support Group celebrated its first anniversary. I can't believe one year has past already!! One of our members won a free birthday cake from a local bakery, so she graciously brought it for our group. Mmmm, chocolate.

A wonderful friend with great graphic prowess designed our new logo. The color is purple, to symbolize the color of waiting:

One year ago, I asked the director of our Family Life Office to place an ad in the bulletins throughout the diocese. Two other girls and I came to our first meeting. I had no idea where the group would go. A year later, it has grown to 6 people, along with a chaplain, and numerous supporters. We've had speakers who have gone through miscarriage, adoption, and the many dimensions of infertility. Our chaplain priest, who was a former OB/GYN (yes, really), has guided us as a group and individually.

Truly, God has made this all happen. He used a weak instrument like me and stretched me beyond any of my wildest aspirations. The fruits have come, too: the group has given us a much-needed support system, companions for Masses and Anointing of the Sick, and most of all, girlfriends. :) They are an incredible group and I feel humbled and blessed to have gotten to know them. I hope more women will come for support...and that our present members will soon receive the joyful gift of motherhood. Sts. Sarah, Elizabeth, and Hannah, pray for us!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Belated Blogiversary

With the stress, turmoil, and a really fun Theology on Tap this past week, I did not have a chance to observe my blog's one year birthday! I had long thought of starting a blog before entering the journey of IF. Although this year had its difficulties, I am so grateful to meet fellow sojourners and friends. Additionally, they actually take the time to read my thoughts and ramblings. :)

Although I did not post on my actual Blogiversary, January 18th, I did celebrate with a divine Pink Champagne Cupcake from the local bakery. Not very diet-friendly, but very soul-friendly. And the frosting matches the pink petals of my blog!!

I sincerely thank all of my fellow IF bloggers, readers, friends, family (Aunt Mary and Mom, my only familial readers!), and especially St. Therese, the blog's patroness. Many days, your comments and prayers gave me strength to keep going. I look forward to another year of growing, writing, and hopefully getting one step closer to motherhood.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Medical Update

After a crazy busy week while fighting another sinus infection, I finally have a chance to post the results of my NaPro doctor visit. First of all, thanks to all my blogger and Facebook Friends who prayed for me. I was not as nervous and uptight like usual.

Part of the worry for this appointment was the possibility of surgery (laparoscopy). I would have to go to a NaPro surgeon 3 hours away. The biggest obstacle is the likelihood that insurance would not cover it. With our fervent adoption endeavors, we would be faced with a huge, agonizing choice. As my husband told me, I would have to think carefully if forgoing the surgery meant I would ask "What if?" for the rest of my life.

The good news? The doc doesn't even want to look at surgery for another 6 months. The "new" news? I need to start making a collage of pharmacy medication bottles. The doctor added 3 more items to my medical regimen. At least one of the three is finally covered by insurance. The fact that the doctor still wants to go the medicinal route most likely means there is some hope. Even if I don't get pregnant, I'll be grateful that the meds helped me become healthier.

The doctor was pleased with my progress on the HCG shots. In fact, my most recent cycle began with very minor cramps (!), for the first time in my entire life. He did, however, want the mucus to improve. I had hoped he would take away Femara ($48 for 9 pills; still makes me a little nauseous) but no luck. The new meds he added are Naltrexone (supposed to help PMS and sustain a possible pregnancy) and Amoxicillin.

We told the doctor of our adoption endeavors and our budget concerns. He promised to take these things into consideration. It's so wonderful to have a doctor who actually cares.

So, in all its glory, here is my laundry list of medications and what they're for. Hopefully my lurking, silent readers may see something that might help them too. :)

Pre-Natal vitamins
Advil (cramps, aches, pains)
Vitamin B-6 (help C. mucas)
HCG injections on Peak + 3, 5, 7, 9 (help balance my hormones)
Femara (a Clomid alternative)
Naltrexone (PMS, sustaining a possible pregnancy)
Amoxicillin (help mucas)
Vitamin D-3 (recommended by our Creighton instructor)

I had to buy one of those plastic pill boxes to keep everything together! Aaack. Anyway, thanks again for your prayers and support.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Another Fork in the Road

This afternoon I have an appointment with the NaPro doctor. He will review my progress over the past 6 months and make a recommendation. I'm rather nervous that he may prescribe some more painful remedies. The nice thing about a doctor like him is that he really cares. I know we can be up front with him about our adoption endeavors.

I made this bracelet to wear for my doctor appointments, blood tests, etc. It has medals of various saints who intercede for infertility: St. Collette (legend says her parents were 50 when they gave birth to her!), St. Gerard, St. Gianna (touched to her relics), and St. Therese (not necessarily an infertility saint, but one of my favorites). The bracelet is the equivalent of bringing a heavenly posse into daunting doctors' offices! :)

I made a similar bracelet for Grace In My Heart, except with saints that were special to her: St. Patrick (E's middle name), St. Ann, St. Joseph.

So I'll post an update today or tomorrow with the results from the doctor. Thank God we have a Trader Joe's run planned after the appointment!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Annus Novus (New Year)

I realize this post comes a bit late after January 1st, but at least it's written during the first week of 2010. First of all, there's been a flurry of activity in the IF blogosphere, as dear Sew prepares to become a foster (translation: super) mom, and All You Who Hope prepares to adopt. What a blessing to see these women enter motherhood after years of waiting and heartbreak! Definitely gives me hope.

2010 will be a pivotal year. 2009 was a rather rotten year; although there were many blessings and happy events, there was also a lot of sorrow and needles. I really, really hope that 2010 will go much better. My hubby and I are ready to resume our weight loss goals with full throttle. Every time I see an Asian child (particularly with adoptive parents), my heart skips a beat. Hopefully by Christmas 2010, we will have a baby in our arms or at least a picture and a trip to Seoul planned. Every childless Christmas makes the waiting that much harder. But even beyond the Infertility and adoption turmoil, I truly hope and pray for a more peaceful year, professionally and personally.

I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, especially in years when Lent starts so early. However, I would like to at least resolve to have a better prayer live in order to endure the battles ahead like medical decisions, the adoption process, and every day life. This August I will turn 33 years old, which is rather scary!

One piece of IF news: according to the doctor, my hormone levels are finally normal. Finally, the HCGs and other expensive drugs are paying off. Even if I never get pregnant (I sort of refuse to let myself hope for that now), it's great that my body is healthier. We will see my NaPro doctor on January 11th to examine the progress of the past few months and make plans for the future.

Happy 2010....let's pray the new year will bring renewed hope and blessings. And chocolate.