Following the advice found in After Miscarriage, I put together an album to commemorate Rachel's little life. Since we lost her so early and have nothing like a grave, hospital bracelet, etc. to put in a memory box, the album suffices. I inserted all of the cards and notes we received from family and friends, as well as significant dates (positive test, etc.), and the listing of Rachel's memorial Mass from our parish bulletin. The album will always help us remember Rachel's brief life, and hopefully KB and (hopefully) future siblings to know their sister in heaven.
This past Saturday we had a small memorial Mass for Rachel at our parish. To our pleasant surprise, many of our friends and family came to the morning Mass (yeah, 8:15 am on a Saturday morning isn't always fun!). On the West Coast, my brother, sister-in-law, and parents went to a morning Mass there to commemorate Rachel. Our pastor kindly incorporated prayers from a funeral for a miscarried baby. He even talked about Rachel in his homily. The petitions also prayed for couples still waiting for a baby and those who had lost children.
To add even more Providence/wonder, the deacon present at Mass was there to commemorate his daughter, who was murdered in May 1999. The Mass was supposed to have taken place the previous Monday, but he and his wife forgot and ended up at our Mass. So there we were, remembering two daughters in heaven. WOW.
My friend K, who came to the Mass with her family, penned a touching post recounting the Mass and why we take the time to remember babies who have gone to heaven. I'm so glad that I read her post without any mascara on. :)
My husband and I feel so blessed to have family and good friends who have consoled us during our ordeal and shown such love! And thanks to the kind souls in the blogosphere who have been praying for us too.
P.S. With the last 3 rather heavy posts, a lighter side post is definitely in order!